Fast Weight loss: Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days (Workout, Diet and lifestyle)

To lose weight in only just 10 days can be really surprising but it’s possible to lose 10 pounds in only 10 days. I know that you must be really curious and wondering to yourself, How is it possible to lose weight in 10 days?
Of course, it’s not going to be easy but it can be accomplished if you put in a lot of effort when it comes to drinking, eating and working out.

Are you ready to accept the challenge that lies ahead?

Lose 10 pounds in 10 Days, Is it really possible?

In order to lose 10 pounds in 10 days, you will need to burn a lot of calories. To be exact, you will need to burn 3500 calories per day.

Choosing a low-calorie diet will lower the insulin in the body and that will help you to get rid of the stored carbs that bind water in the body.
This is why it is important to focus on low calories diet and working out to lose 10 pounds in 10 days.

This strategy focuses on water and fat loss but not muscle loss because that can be harmful to the body. However, muscle loss will occur due to working out but we will maintain it by increasing the level of protein in the diet to rebuild the muscles.

This is how we are going to lose 10 pounds in 10 days. These tips are safe but they can be a little drastic and they are not meant for long-term weight loss.

How To Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days?

Here are a few simple tips to lose 10 pounds fast in 10 days.

·        Reduce the intake of foods that contain high calories.
·        Increase the level of protein that you eat.
·        Always count your calories.
·        1000 Calories work out.
·        Drink a lot of water.
·        Ensure that you get enough sleep during the night.

Reduce Foods That Contain High Calories

Reducing the level of unnecessary high calories food is very simple and very effective when it comes to weight loss.

Stay away from foods such as junkies, bakery, soda, alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, ice cream, pizza, treats, burger, potato chips, sweets, sugary items, and other processed foods.

Did you know that French fries has about 500 calories?
Did you know that a sweet candy contains approximately 100 calories?

After cutting down and these foods you need to focus on low calories and high nutrition foods that takes a lot of energy to digest.

Here Is A List Of Foods That Has Lower Calories:





Increase the level of protein that you eat

Protein is very important to the weight loss journey. It helps the body to rebuild and repair muscles.

It is recommended that an average man or woman should consume 46 to 56 grams of proteins per day. That means that they should consume about 8 eggs or 200g of meat such as:


Increasing the level of protein will provide more energy to the body so that you won’t feel tired and depleted through the day. Eating more protein will also decrease your hunger level, therefore you will start to eat less.

Sources Of Protein

Always count your calories          

The required amount of calories for a man is 2500 and for a woman, it is 2000 calories in order to maintain normal body weight.

So, In order to lose 10 pounds in 10 days, you will need to deduct the excess calories smartly.

Let’s do the math.

Normally we intake 2500 calories to maintain our body weight but 1200 is the minimum amount of calories that a person should consume for the body to function properly.

So, in order to do this, you will have to consume 1200 calories per day to reduce the excess  1300-1500 calories.

This simple trick will help you to reduce a lot of weight every day.

How awesome is that?

How You should Calculate Meals with Calories.

In order for you to consume 1200- 1300 calories per day, you need to take in the essential amount of calories per meal.

To be more specific, you need to consume 300 calories in your breakfast, 400 calories in your lunch, 500 calories for dinner and 150 calories for in your snacks.

N.B You need to reduce calories consumption wisely not by eating less but to cut back on the unhealthy food, instead eat healthier.

Work Out Exercises

Exercising is one of the most effective ways to burn a lot of fat and calories fast.  This is very effective when it comes to lose 10 pounds in 10 days.

After you have maintained a healthy diet you should implement a proper work out a plan to burn fat cells faster.

If you are not taking control of your diet and you continue to eat unhealthily then this will be the required amount of work out that you will need to lose 10 pounds in 10 days.

-Run for at least 7hrs every day.
-Lift weights for 12 hours daily.
-Jog for at least 10 hrs straight every day.
-Squat for 4 hrs continuously.

Clearly, none of these workouts are realistic and that’s why you need to maintain a healthy diet before working out.

The true logic behind this is to balance your diet and workout and then the fat burning process and metabolism rate will increase significantly.

Do these workout to lose another half-pound a day.

-Run 1 hr per day.
-Walk 2 hrs per day.
-Swim 1 hr per day.
-Do at least 500 calories workout only if you are a beginner but if you are not, do 1000 calories work out per day.

You can do any of your favorite exercises for an hour.

Drinking More Water

Water is one of the healthiest things on the planet. Drinking water has a lot to do with your physical well-being and fitness.

Drinking enough water removes toxins from the body and reduce belly bloating. Drinking enough water can also boost your metabolism, digestion and also keep your skin healthy. 

Getting Enough Sleep at Nights

Sleeping helps to burn calories. I know that it might seem really strange but yes sleeping an important role too.

A healthy person who has a good metabolic rate can burn 500 calories with 8 hrs of sleep. But it can vary based on the person working out schedule and lifestyle. Do you see how important sleeping is now? 


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